
Memorization App

This web application allows you to create flashcards and review them. It is especially useful for people trying to learn a new language or trying to memorize small pieces of information. This is a personal project of mine that I built after being inspired by the ‘Anki’ software.

  • Create folders, which can contain decks, which contain cards
  • Start a “review session” where you can flip cards and revise them
  • The review session has many settings such as:
    • Timed Mode
    • Repeating Failed Cards
    • Including Reverse Cards
Homepage of the application.
Dashboard showing the folders created by the user.
Each folder contains decks .
Each deck contains cards. Each card has a front and a back.
Settings that the user can change for the review session.
The review session. A user can flip through a deck of cards and revise them.
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